学生去西安旅游大概得花多少钱啊 国内英语-学生去西安旅游大概得花多少钱啊 国内英语怎么说
英语作文(我将要在暑假拜访西安)?英语作文(我将要在暑假拜访西安)? Xi'an is a beautiful city with a very colorfulhistory....
Xi'an is a beautiful city with a very colorfulhistory.There are so many famous buildings in xian,such as clay sulelievs,Banpo village museum and so on.If one dayyou come to Xi'an,you'd better visit some places of interest,so that you can learn more knowledges about this city.At last,I'm sure that you can h***e a great time in Xi'an.
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