我推荐的景点及理由 多少钱英语作文-我推荐的景点及理由 多少钱英语作文带翻译
关于城市景点天气美食的英语作文?关于城市景点天气美食的英语作文?Shenzhen is a modern city in South of China,it lies next t...
Shenzhen is a modern city in South of China,it lies next to Hong Kong.Shenzhen is very young and beautiful,too.There are many scenic spots here,for example,there are two famous beaches,named Da Meisha and Xiao Meisha.People always go swimming there.There are also a lot of mountain parks here like Lianhua Park and Bao'an Park,they are covered with green tall trees,grass and colorful flowers.
Welcome to Shenzhen when you are free!
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