

小旺 09-29 7
长沙旅游景点推荐英文-长沙旅游景点英文介绍摘要: 长沙臭豆腐的英文介绍?用英语作文来描写一下长沙的春天?英文介绍湖南气候?长沙臭豆腐的英文介绍?Stinky tofu or chòu dòufu is a form of ferm...
  1. 长沙臭豆腐的英文介绍?
  2. 用英语作文来描写一下长沙的春天?
  3. 英文介绍湖南气候?


Stinky tofu or chòu dòufu is a form of fermented tofu that has a strong odor. It is a snack that is usually sold at night markets or roadside stands or as a side dish in lunch bars rather than in restaurants.


Spring is warm in chamgsha. It's not very cold.,people always wear a sweater or a coat. It' always rain. I don't like rainy days.


Summarize the climate characteristics of Hunan in four sentences: mild climate, four distinct seasons; adequate heat, concentrated precipitation; variable spring temperature, more drought in summer and autumn; short severe cold period, long summer heat period. 



China has many different kinds of climate.In the southern part of China, the temperature changes very little between summer and winter. But the north central states h***e a very different kind of climate. In those countries , people wear light clothing during the summer, and they need he***y wool or fur clothing in the winter.

In the southwest, the climate is pleasantly warm during the winter, but the ***nmer is unpleasantly hot.


In the eastern part of China, summer temperatures are very different from winter temperatures. ***nmers are usually hot, and winters are usually cold. Spring temperatures are comfortably warm, and fall temperatures are pleasantly cool.

Years ago, people in the cold parts of China didn’t often get fresh vegetables and fresh fruits during the winter. Today, however, trucks and trains carry fruits and vegetables very quickly to all parts of China. In this way, Chinese "send their chmates" to people in other states.


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